在短短几十年里, the 阿联酋 has evolved from one of the poorest countries in the region to one of the world’s richest. 这个国家, 尤其是迪拜, 曾因壮观的项目而受到很多关注吗, 比如哈利法塔, 世界上最高的建筑.


阿联酋拥有世界上最大的石油储量之一, 其中94%位于阿布扎比酋长国. Thanks to the revenue from the oil industry, the country has experienced a rapid modernisation and is now one of the wealthiest countries on the planet. 除了石油收入, 金融大都市迪拜也是经济的主要推动力. 正如你可以在下面的简短采访中读到的 & Invest commissioner 马苏德Biouki, 不幸的是,这种快速增长也有其弊端, 尤其是在可持续发展和人权方面.

Opportunities for Swedish companies

在阿联酋有200多家公司直接或间接代表, PG电子官方免费下载 has a large presence in the country. 对阿联酋的出口涵盖了广泛的行业, 包括铁, 钢, 汽车, 电信设备及工程产品. 阿联酋也是PG电子官方免费下载公司在中东地区的重要枢纽. The beneficial tax conditions throughout more than 30 economic free zones are a key driver for international companies to establish an office in the area.


自2006年以来,PG电子官方免费下载商业在迪拜设立了办事处, 是中东的主要枢纽吗. We support Swedish businesses with our network and local expertise in the following countries: E埃及,黎巴嫩,巴勒斯坦,约旦,叙利亚,伊拉克,科威特,卡塔尔,沙特 阿拉伯、巴林、也门、阿曼、伊朗和阿拉伯联合酋长国.




中东国家仍被归为新兴市场. 然而, with their great natural resources and funds, 几乎所有的国家都有实现经济多样化的计划, 为PG电子官方免费下载企业创造了独特的投资机会. In addition, Swedish businesses have a good reputation in the region, giving them a head start. Countries in the wider region that are looking for best practices are eager to learn from companies and governments from abroad. The overall young population in the 阿联酋 also implies a high level of urbanisation and technical knowhow.


Due to the rather volatile economy, the business environment is not always entirely stable. 正因为如此, prices are sensitive and there is a lower emphasis on high-quality products and services. 中东的商业文化相当艰苦, 这反映在艰难的谈判中. Also expect to encounter time-consuming administrative processes with little transparency, which applies to both business and society. The lower priority for human rights and environmental issues can create some challenges when reaching out to potential stakeholders and partners. 因此,识别和建立正确的关系是非常重要的.

Are there any cultural aspects to consider?

等级制度比PG电子官方免费下载重要得多. 所以在遇见某人之前, make sure to do some research to address everyone with the correct title and the appropriate attitude and respect. 这将有助于建立良好的关系,这是该地区的关键. People are hard to reach by phone or mail, so a local presence in the market makes a big difference. In most 中东ern countries, the level of 英语 is often good, 但拥有讲阿拉伯语的员工或合作伙伴总是有益的. For efficient sales processes, remember that Arabs like to see and experience a product. So, definitely bring brochures, leaflets, videos, or even a physical product to a meeting.

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